PHOTOS: Seal Release at Scusset Beach

Around 40 or so people gathered Tuesday morning at Scusset Beach to witness the release of Ginny Weasley. This young little seal was found stranded at Rye Harbor State Park in Rye, New Hampshire at the end of November. Due to injuries and respiratory issues, Ginny was brought to the National Marine Life Center by its colleagues from the Seacoast Science Center in New Hampshire.

After an initial bit of shyness, where she had come out a few feet before turning back into her crate, Ginny finally ventured forward, nose up to the salt air and the ocean in front of her. She made her way down the beach, looking around at all the human faces there to encourage her on her journey, hesitated for a moment at the water’s edge, and then slipped into the sea.

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About Ann Luongo

Ann Luongo has been writing for Cape Cod and South Shore publications for over 15 years.
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