Barnstable County Enrolls In AARP’s Network Of Age Friendly Communities

BARNSTABLE – Barnstable County has announced its official enrollment into the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) network of age-friendly states and communities as part of a collaborative effort called Healthy Aging Cape Cod.

Through its enrollment, the County will gain access to nationally and globally accepted research and best practices as part of a framework to foster livable communities where residents can grow older in an environment of care and respect.

“This enrollment reflects Barnstable County’s dedication to creating a more inclusive and supportive community for residents of all ages,” said Mandi Speakman, Deputy Director of Barnstable County’s Department of Human Services.

“Through our collaborative effort, Healthy Aging Cape Cod, we are committed to working with AARP and leveraging this network to promote safety, accessibility, and engagement for everyone,” she said. “Our goal is to make Cape Cod a place where people can live and grow older with dignity.”

The enrollment makes Barnstable the 960 community in the network.

About Matthew Tomlinson

Matt Tomlinson is a Cape Cod native studying to be a documentarian. He has been with the NewsCenter since 2021.
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