A great white shark.
BARNSTABLE – The second annual STEM Journey will be held today at Cape Cod Community College to introduce students to the wonder of ocean discovery. The event includes activities for all ages, with interactive projects for children and teens as a focus.
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math.
The theme this year is Ocean Discovery: Great White Sharks to Deep Ocean Exploration. The program will feature keynote presentations by Dr. David Gallo, Director of Special Projects at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Toby Curtis, Shark Scientist with NOAA’s Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office .
Organizer Jack Driscoll says that the event is vital for budding scientists.
“If we can keep kids focused and interested in technology all the way up through high school and college, then what we do is we’ll create people with really good technology and this is really what we need to stay ahead of the rest of the world,” said Driscoll.
Specific activities will include a science café with interactive demonstrations including a sonar-matching marine archeology activity presented by NOAA Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Lego WeDoBuild, Squishy Circuits, a duct tape boat and Roominate Doll House as well as presentations from science, technology and engineering professionals including presentations by Cape Cod’s largest STEM employers about their STEM career paths for students in high school. There will be several merit badge opportunities for Boy Scouts including Chemistry and Oceanography in the morning prior to the event start.
Admission is free and the event runs from noon to 4 p.m. at Cape Cod Community College.