Lower Cape Outreach Council’s ‘Gifts of Hope’ Campaign Begins Friday

BREWSTER – The “Gifts of Hope” holiday campaign returns this week to help residents across the Lower Cape.

This year, hundreds of households from Harwich to Provincetown will receive gifts and other goods through the campaign which is run annually by the Lower Cape Outreach Council.

The campaign will help raise money to be used to help people pay their rents, pay for heat, prevent utility shut offs, fix broken vehicles, cover co-pays, and help put food on the table for families in need.

The goal set for this year is $400,000, which according to the Outreach Council is what it will take to stay responsive through the winter months ahead.   

“This [campaign] is how we make the lion-share of our reserves for the coming winter and spring which is a very heavy time of need on Cape Cod,” said Larry Marsland, CEO of the Lower Cape Outreach.

“People who have worked hard all summer, as hard as they could, try to catch up on their bills and try to put some money ahead for the cold winter but it’s a hard time of year for people who are working hourly jobs.”  

This holiday season, the Lower Cape Outreach will provide new toys and winter coats to nearly 600 local children and make sure that families enjoy Thanksgiving with all the fixings as a part of the campaign.

The Outreach Council will also helped locals on the Lower Cape concentrate their incomes on savings by giving people access to their food pantries and free clothing store.

“I find that people are extraordinarily compassionate and generous so I’m just hoping that comes out over the holidays,” Marsland continued.

“It’s the best time to be generous after all.”

The “Gifts of Hope” campaign will allow for the Outreach Council to provide emergency financial assistance, a job program, mentoring, and tuition assistances so people can upgrade their work skills or pursue new job directions entirely.

The campaign begins Friday, November 15th and runs through the 1st of January.

To donate to the campaign, send a tax-deductible contribution to the Lower Cape Outreach Council. P.O. Box 2013, Orleans or contribute online at lcoutreach.org.

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