New Bill Introduced in Response to Joint Base Gun Range Proposal


BOURNE – Due to environmental concerns regarding the Joint Base Cape Cod’s proposed machine gun range, a new bill is being put forward that would require a public hearing before such projects are approved.

Many Cape residents have expressed concern over this machine gun range due to a history of PFAS contamination in fishing lakes near the base.

Additionally, Joint Base Cape Cod is located very close in proximity to Cape Cod’s sole source aquifer, which is the source of drinking water for 100% of Cape residents.

Outcry from residents has exposed other potential environmental dangers of the new gun range, including the endangerment of 37 different species of plants and animals.

“Failing to protect our water will have lasting deleterious consequences on the economy, environment, and health of people living on the Cape including traffic, noise, [and] deforestation,” said Plymouth/Barnstable State Senator Susan Moran in a recent committee hearing.

Cape & Islands State Senator Julian Cyr was also present for the discussion, where the two senators emphasized the need for public opinions to be heard on these issues and requested that appropriate environmental checks be performed on the project.

About Maura MacDonald

Maura recently graduated college with a degree in political science and a passion for all things media. She also enjoys writing when not in the NewsCenter, working on projects such as her novel and music, and spending time with her dog.
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