Police Officers Run Across Cape Cod for Special Olympics

BOURNE – Police officers from across the region Wednesday took part in the annual Cape Cod Law Enforcement Torch Run.

The event raises money for Special Olympics Massachusetts and raises awareness about Special Olympics athletes.

“Fundraising events like the Cape Cod torch run go a long way to offset charges. It costs about $100 per athlete per season to offer high quality sports. That’s uniforms, medals, transportation and practice venues and insurances, everything else that comes with putting on a sports program,” said Stephanie Esposito, the Director of Development for Mass. Special Olympics.

Representatives from police departments from Provincetown to Bourne carried a torch through their towns, handing off to their neighboring colleagues along the way.

“There’s a really special bond between athletes and law enforcement,” Esposito said. “Through the law enforcement torch run, we’re able to offer both parties a special experience.”
The 67-mile relay run took part mostly on Route 6A.

Participating departments included Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet, Eastham, Orleans, Brewster, Dennis, Yarmouth, Barnstable, Sandwich, and Bourne.

You can see photos here.

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