BARNSTABLE – Residents who have been unable to pay their rent or mortgage due to a loss of income related to the coronavirus may be eligible for Emergency Rental or Mortgage Assistance Payments through the Workforce Housing Relief Fund.
The Workforce Housing Relief Fund is administered by the Housing Assistance Corporation.
The Town of Barnstable’s Affordable Housing Growth and Development Trust Fund has contributed $300,000 to the Fund.
Housing Assistance encourages those who are eligible to apply to do so even if they have never qualified for public assistance before.
Eligible clients can make up to 100% Area Median Income, and must not be eligible for other state, federal or local relief, according to Housing Assistance.
The application and additional information about the Fund is available on the Housing Assistance Corporation’s website.
The application can be completed entirely online, including uploading all necessary attachments, however a print application is also available from the site.