Steamship Authority Reminds Riders of Mask Requirements

HYANNIS – The Steamship Authority is reminding riders on all trips to wear face coverings while aboard.

Governor Charlie Baker mandated the requirement to wear masks aboard mass transit, such as the SSA’s vessels and buses, when proper social distancing cannot be maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The boat line has released new supportive guidance for their employees if they come across a passenger who is not complying with face covering guidelines.

“We luckily haven’t had too many of those kinds of problems here,” said SSA spokesman Sean Driscoll.

“But we wanted to be proactive and try to get word out to our employees about the steps that they should be taking.”

Those steps include offering disposable masks to riders without a covering, advising passengers that trips could be delayed or otherwise impacted, and receiving law enforcement assistance in necessary situations.

Driscoll said riders should be prepared for these mask covering guidelines, and should also allow for more time requirements due to safety and proper sanitation.

“Everything’s just taking a little bit longer because of the extra precautions that we have in place,” he continued.

Driscoll thanked riders and employees cooperating with these mandates, adding that the vast majority of people have not created any issues.

About Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan, a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is one of the newest members of the NewsCenter team. When not on the beat, you'll probably find him watching Boston sports.
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