Falmouth Outdoor Learning Project Receives Grant Money

FALMOUTH – The Falmouth Outdoor Learning Project has received $2,500 from the Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod.

The Falmouth Outdoor Learning Projects goal is to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading to students, teachers, staff or the general Falmouth public by providing outdoor learning areas at each of the seven public schools located in Falmouth.

The outdoor learning spaces were created to provide fresh-air, hands-on learning opportunities, and increases access to nature.

“The pandemic has affected the mental health of children and families on Cape Cod, and outdoor mask-free learning can help the students achieve some sense of normalcy,” said President and Chair of The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod Lisa Oliver.

The donation from the bank will be used to purchase outdoor equipment for students in Pre-K through sixth grade

“We are so grateful to The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod for their donation,” said Lead Parent of The Falmouth Outdoor Learning Project Amy Leonardi.

“The $ 2,500 donation helped us purchase supplies for our public schools including picnic tables for Lawrence School and individual recesses supplies for our elementary and middle school students”

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