MASHPEE – The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has received federal grant funding through NOAA’s Species Recovery Grant Program.
The program supports high-priority recovery actions for listed species.
A total of $6.5 million was awarded for new and continuing projects in 2019. Fifteen new projects were awarded $3.8 million with $2.7 million going to 17 multi-year projects approved in previous grant cycles.
The funding this year supports state and tribal partners in a range of activities, including reducing or removing significant sources or mortality and injury, assessing and monitoring species status and trends, and engaging the public in conservation of ESA-listed species.
The $100,000 award will be used for the Santuit River herring research project, which will analyze the Santuit River ecosystem to discover if there are any physical or biological features that are threatening alewife and blueback herring.
The goal of the study is to determine if population restoration, stream habitat restoration or relocation strategies would be effective for protecting herring.
The call for applications to the FY2020 program is now open. Proposals are due by October 31. Application materials are available at