A baseball cracked off the barrel of a bat somewhere nearby. Two or three ballplayers found sanctuary in the shade of the dugout, occasionally … [Read more...]
ONE ON ONE: A Quitter Never Wins, A Winner Never Quits
There is no worse feeling in life than looking back with regret. “I could have been that person…” “That could have been my touchdown…” “I could … [Read more...]
ONE ON ONE: The Thrill of Victory Exists at ‘The Adventure Park’
If you possess even the tiniest atom of athleticism or simply want to be physically challenged, the new Adventure Park at Heritage Museum & … [Read more...]
ONE ON ONE: Football Star, Green Beret Getting Boot for Standing up for Afghanistan Boy
A bruising, 235-lb. fullback at Milton High School and then at Northfield Mount Herman, Charles Martland went on to play football for the Florida … [Read more...]
ONE ON ONE: Where, Oh Where, Have My Boston Red Sox Gone
Rummaging through my desk I came across a number of old Boston Red Sox ticket stubs, some dating back to childhood and all of them – including one … [Read more...]
ONE ON ONE: A Case for the Cape League Hall of Fame
There’s an incredibly priceless sense of renewal and hope and joy each summer when the latest collegiate baseball stars from across the country suit … [Read more...]
ONE ON ONE: When in Doubt, NFL Finds Tom Brady the Perfect Scapegoat
Beleagured and embattled New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady – arguably one of the greatest to have ever played the game – is the NFL’s perfect … [Read more...]
One on One: From Within the Darkness, Let There be Light (VIDEO)
There are dark and twisted things in the shadows. As insulated from the rest of the world as Cape Cod is, there is a world within this world not all … [Read more...]
One on One: Osterville Octogenarian Goes for National Triple Jump Title
For most folks in retirement, it’s safe to say that the youthful, harried pace of earlier life tends to slow down a bit. Not so for Osterville’s … [Read more...]
One On One: Talent, Hard Work & Heart Personified (VIDEO)
Just as the Cape’s first warblers crack the ebbing night’s silence and the sun barely begins to peak its head over the horizon, sounds virtually … [Read more...]
From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter
State Urges Preparedness Ahead of Anticipated Winter Storm
Coast Guard Auxiliary Offers Boating Safety Course
Donation Of $50M Benefits Cape Codder’s Alma Mater
LISTEN: Bird Flu Update with Barnstable County Disease Expert
Federal Funds Still Frozen for Association to Preserve Cape Cod Water Projects Despite Court Rulings
Cape Cod Teen Sentenced To Probation For Alleged Racial Incident
Updated: License Plate Grants Funds Regional Economic Development
Barnstable Commissioners And Delegates Want To Keep Pocasset Center Open
A Luxury House is Close to Tumbling into Cape Cod Bay. Will Anyone Stop It?
LISTEN: Managing Bird Flu in Backyards with New England Wildlife Centers’ Zak Mertz
Steamship Authority Releases Early Martha’s Vineyard Bookings
RFK Jr. Appears on Track to Become US Health Secretary as he Wins Key Republican Senator’s Support
Court Restores Protections for Endangered Whale Species to Prevent Entanglement in Fishing Gear