Yarmouth Police Chief Frederickson Issues Statement in Response to Latanowich Sentencing

YARMOUTH – Yarmouth Police Chief Frank Frederickson has issued a statement in response to the recent sentencing of Thomas Latanowich in the shooting death of Police Sergeant Sean Gannon in 2018.

Following multiple days of deliberation, a jury has found Latanowich guilty of second degree murder. The jury’s decision at Barnstable Superior Court on Friday also included guilty verdicts for all other charges pressed against Latanowich, including illegal possession of a firearm and mistreating a police dog.

Frederickson’s full statement is below:

We are greatly relieved to have the Trial of Sean Gannon’s murderer completed. Reaching a guilty verdict only ends one chapter in this tragedy. The Gannon family will have to continue on without Sean and will experience the heartbreak forever.

Sean’s brother and sister officers of the Yarmouth Police Department can now feel that there has been justice after waiting three anxious and long years. I am proud to say, that despite the loss of Sean, they come to serve our community with the utmost professionalism.

I would like to thank First Assistant District Attorney Michael Trudeau and Assistant District Attorney Dan Higgins for their exemplary in bringing this case to a successful conclusion.  Many thanks go to the Barnstable Police, State Police Investigators, members of the Cape Cod Regional Law Enforcement Council SWAT and Superintendent Barney Murphy of the Barnstable County Sheriff’s Office for their contributions throughout the warrant execution, investigation and prosecution.

From the moment we lost Sean, our community has shown their support to the Gannon’s and members of the Yarmouth Police Department. This genuine support spread across Cape Cod and beyond. I offer my heartfelt thanks to all who have and continue to show support.

For those who were with Sean when he was killed, I commend your courage and am sorry that you had to relive your actions on that fateful day. You are great people and exemplify the best in policing. You endured more than anyone should.

Since Sean’s death, more details of his powerful and positive impact on others still continue to surface. It is quite evident that the world would be a better place if we could all be like Sean. So let’s remember what a wonderful person and exceptional and role model Sean was.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the CapeCod.com News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.

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