WELLFLEET – Cape Downwinders and Save Our Bay are organizing a rally at Mayo Beach in Wellfleet on Tuesday, June 14 from 3 to 4 pm to protest the proposed discharge of radioactive water from Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station into Cape Cod Bay.
The event follows a unanimous vote by the Town of Wellfleet in support of the citizens petition to halt plant owner Holtec from discharging the water.
Speakers at the event will include Cape Downwinders Director Diane Turco, MA Seafood Collaborative Executive Director Mark DeCristoforo, Association to Preserve Cape Cod Executive Director Andrew Gottlieb, and others.
The event will recognize 21 Cape and Martha’s Vineyard towns as stakeholders who have voted by overwhelming margins to demand that Holtec abstain from dumping.
They will also call on Governor Charlie Baker and Attorney General Maura Healey to pursue all means available to ensure Holtec remove dumping from their business plan.
At a recent subcommittee field hearing led by Senator Ed Markey on May 6, Holtec CEO Dr. Kris Singh said the company, which took ownership of the plant in 2019, would not discharge any water in the bay without stakeholder approval.
But they also hoped stakeholders would reconsider if testing conducted by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute found the water to pose no risk to the surrounding environment.
“Holtec must not be allowed to use Cape Cod Bay as its dumping ground simply because it is cheaper for the company to do so,” said Gottlieb.
“Cape towns will be left dealing with the consequences of such an action, which has the potential for catastrophic and long-lasting impacts to our environment and public health, as well as to local fisheries, tourism and other aspects of our coastal economy.”
To learn more, click here.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, CapeCod.com NewsCenter