WEST BARNSTABLE – As predicted, COVID-19 case numbers are increasing as many gather for holiday celebrations.
At this time, the Barnstable County Commissioners are strongly recommending mitigation methods to prevent further spread of the virus.
Masks are advised to be worn when possible, especially in public indoor spaces.
Booster shots for COVID vaccinations are also highly recommended.
For those that have not yet gotten fully vaccinated, it is strongly advised to do so as vaccination is one of the most effective methods to stop the spread and prevent serious infection.
“The Omicron variant adds a degree of insecurity with regard to its very aggressive ability to spread,” Assistant County Commissioner Vaira Harik remarked at a recent meeting of the commissioners.
The county commissioners also voted to extend COVID-19 paid sick leave, which would allocate for 10 days per employee, per fiscal year until June 30 of 2022 due to the continuously rising numbers.