FALMOUTH – A new fire station in Hatchville was the topic of debate in the first night of Falmouth’s two-night town meeting last week before it was eventually approved.
The town’s finance director Jennifer Mullen said the project, which will cost around $10 million, is within the town’s financial plan and debt-drop off schedule.
Steven Kirby of VERTEX, the construction and engineering company overseeing the development of the station, said construction would begin in 2023, with a 10 – 11-month timeline to complete the project.
The building’s current plans would put the structure at nearly 11,000 square feet. The station would be located on Sandwich Road.
Town Meeting member Paul Sellers aid plans for the new station were excessive and urged town meeting members to consider a less expensive design.
Peggy Nickerson, a member of the Sandwich Road fire station building committee, addressed concerns the building might be too large.
“We are not building a building for today, we’re trying to build a building also to include the future. Believe me, I’ve gone through these plans and we’re not in excess of anything really. If we cut out a bay, we’re just going to kick ourselves for that later on,” Nickerson said.
The article to build the new station passed by a voice vote, with the majority of meeting members signifying approval.
Falmouth voters will make the final decision on the project next month in a debt exclusion vote.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter