BARNSTABLE – The Town of Barnstable is planning to hold a virtual information session to discuss a proposed sewer expansion in Mother’s Park on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 7:00 pm.
The expansion falls under the town’s 30-year Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan to protect the towns coastal waters, ponds, and drinking water, which identified the need for a pump station at either 310 Main Street or close to Mother’s Park.
The meeting will review options regarding the pump station’s potential location.
Staff from the Barnstable Department of Public Works will be present to discuss conceptual designs for the pump station and to answer questions from the public.
To attend the virtual meeting using a computer, click here.
To access the meeting via telephone, dial 888-475-4499 and use meeting ID 997-0884-1894.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, NewsCenter