YARMOUTH – The Town of Yarmouth will be holding a wastewater question and answer session on Thursday, April 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Yarmouth Senior Center.
The main focus of the session will be Article 18 which will allow the town to construct Phase One of Yarmouth’s sewer project, including pipe installation and building the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Supporters said Article 18 would restore the environment for future generations, save property owners from I/A systems, revitalize the Route 28 corridor and maintain economic viability for Yarmouth.
Officials said the reasons a wastewater plan is needed include the lack of an effective wastewater infrastructure and 722% increase in population between 1951–2010 leading to environmental deterioration due to nitrogen pollution and nitrogen pollution being primarily caused by a reliance on septic systems to handle waste.
The Town of Yarmouth will also be holding its annual town meeting at the Mattacheese Middle School Auditorium on April 25 at 6:00 p.m.