Brewster Sea Camps Acquisition Awaits Final Approval

BREWSTER – Brewster voters approved acquiring the two Cape Cod Sea Camps properties last weekend in a historic purchase expected to be the biggest the town has ever made.

A second approval will be required by voters on Tuesday, October 5 at a Special Town Election before the agreement can move ahead.

The vote authorized the town to purchase the Long Pond and Route 6A properties for about $26 million, however the Special Election will authorize the debt exclusion required to finalize the deal. 

“We have now said that we want to buy this land, but the election on Tuesday, the purpose of that is to now decide to pay for it. So it is very important that people vote,” said Chair of the Brewster Select Board Cindy Bingham.

She said that the public will have plenty of opportunity to make their voices heard on what exactly they want to see for usage of the two parcels of land.

Bingham said that possibilities include utilizing the space for improved beach access and hiking, a community center and other recreational options, or affordable housing. 

“Nothing is set in stone and that’s intentional. We plan to have public engagements where Brewster residents get a chance to say what they would like to have done with these pieces of property,” said Bingham. 

“We will be having public engagement forums inviting anyone and everyone.”

Bingham said that the public input seeking process would likely be similar to the Brewster Visioning Plan model, allowing everyone to make their voices heard at multiple forums and listening sessions. 

She also added that a website would be created to house crucial information on the project, as well as allow residents to voice their opinions. 

As soon as the town takes possession of the properties on November 30, officials will insure the property and provide security and maintenance using $200,000 previously appropriated for the purpose. 

Bingham said that with so much acreage to consider, the town will likely be looking at a ten-year project to fully utilize the properties, guided by town residents’ input.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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