Brewster Voters Say No to Cape Cod Sea Camps Redevelopment Funding

BREWSTER - Brewster voters have shot down funding for the first phase of redevelopment proposed by town officials for the recently acquired Cape Cod … [Read more...]

Brewster Announces Pledged Funding For Sea Camps Properties

BREWSTER - The Town of Brewster recently announced that it expects to receive $3.5 million in pledged funding to improve and protect both Cape Cod Sea … [Read more...]

Town of Brewster Holding Forum on the Future of Sea Camps Properties

BREWSTER - Brewster is holding a virtual public meeting on how the town can utilize the Sea Camps properties.  The business ceased operations in … [Read more...]

Brewster Voters Approve Sea Camps Purchase

BREWSTER - Brewster voters have overwhelmingly approved the debt exclusions necessary for the town to move ahead with the purchase of the former Cape … [Read more...]

Brewster Sea Camps Acquisition Awaits Final Approval

BREWSTER - Brewster voters approved acquiring the two Cape Cod Sea Camps properties last weekend in a historic purchase expected to be the biggest the … [Read more...]

Brewster Outlines Possible Acquisition of Sea Camps

BREWSTER - Brewster town officials outlined the possible acquisition of the former Cape Cod Sea Camps property Tuesday with town residents. The Sea … [Read more...]

Brewster to Hold Sea Camps Forum

BREWSTER – A public forum will be held on the potential acquisition of the Cape Cod Sea Camps by the Town of Brewster. The forum will take place on … [Read more...]

Brewster Scrambles for Sea Camps Solution

BREWSTER – A recent meeting of the Brewster Select Board put forward some potential solutions to the issue of what will be done with the property of … [Read more...]

Nonprofit Redoubles Efforts to Acquire Sea Camps Property

BREWSTER - After a recent partnership and an influx of community support, the Brewster Flats Foundation is hoping to make a competitive bid for the … [Read more...]

Nonprofit Seeks to Return Services to Sea Camps Location

BREWSTER - The most recent meeting by the Barnstable Community Network focused on the closure of the Cape Cod Sea Camps, including the prospective … [Read more...]
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