Council of Churches Continuing Food and Baby Operations, Asking for Help

HYANNIS – The Cape Cod Council of Churches is looking for help from the public as part of their COVID-19 response.

Remote operations have been implemented wherever possible, though people are still being fed at the Hands of Hope Food Pantry in West Harwich and Faith Family Kitchen in Hyannis.

Diapers and wipes are also still being distributed at A Baby Center in Hyannis. Operations at those locations will continue until they are mandated to stop or until the organization has inadequate funds or volunteers.

Cape Cod Council of Churches Executive Director Edye Nesmith said that the number of people who require help has become extremely serious.

“We are finding that the need, already, is escalating,” Nesmith said.

Models have been shifted to “take out” only.

As the outbreak continues, the organization is asking residents to aid in a number of ways.

“We can’t do this without the support of this fabulous Cape Cod and Islands community,” she said.

“We’re lucky.”

Unrestricted donations and donations of gift cards totaling $25 or more can aid both the council and its clients receive food and other essential products.

Baby formula, trash bags, and food wraps and containers are just some of the materials that the organization is seeking.

Also, restaurants and other food establishments that need to close due to the novel coronavirus are asked to consider donating fresh produce or meats.

The Council of Churches is in need of health volunteers who are prepared to follow strict health protocols.

Email [email protected] with any questions. For more information, visit the council’s website by clicking here.

About Brendan Fitzpatrick

Brendan, a recent graduate from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is one of the newest members of the NewsCenter team. When not on the beat, you'll probably find him watching Boston sports.
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