BOSTON – The Animal Rescue League is warning pet owners to brace for an extended tick season as the region’s mild winter has created conditions for an explosion in tick populations.
The League is reminding pet owners that tick-borne illness is no longer a summer-time concern, but a year-round threat requiring constant vigilance.
Pet owners are advised to speak with a veterinarian about putting their pet on a tick preventative and to consider vaccinating their pet against Lyme disease.
Additionally, heightened lawn maintenance practices to minimize shrubbery and avoiding outdoor areas where ticks are common can reduce tick exposure.
Pet owners should always check themselves and their dogs for ticks after an outdoor excursion and to pay close attention to common tick targets near their dog’s ears, eyelids, toes, genital area, and around the collar.
If found a tick should be carefully removed using tweezers by grasping them as close to the body as possible and slowly pulling them away in a straight motion, followed by prompt application of an antiseptic to the affected area.
Signs a dog has been infected by a tick-borne illness include fever, loss of appetite, swelling in the joints, and fatigue.
Blood tests and quick treatment are recommended for those concerned their dog may have been exposed to a tick-borne disease, which can trigger chronic health issues for humans and animals. was recently joined by Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Entomologist Larry Dapsis to discuss an increase in tick-borne illness in the Northeast.
To listen to the interview, click here.
By, Matthew Tomlinson, NewsCenter