Local Expert Responds to UN Climate Report

HYANNIS - The UN recently released a report from their Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that has officials stating the urgency of taking more … [Read more...]

UN Says Ozone Layer Slowly Healing, Hole to Mend by 2066

DENVER (AP) - A United Nations scientific report says Earth's protective ozone layer is slowly but noticeably healing. Scientists say the hole over … [Read more...]

World Hurtling to Climate Danger Zone, Brakes Half-Pulled

BERLIN (AP) - A new report from the UN’s top body of climate scientists is warning that temperatures will go beyond a key danger point unless … [Read more...]

Most of the World Lines Up Against Moscow, Attacks Intensify

KYIV, UKRAINE (AP) - Most of the world has lined up against Moscow in the United Nations to demand it withdraw from Ukraine, as Russian forces renew … [Read more...]

U.S. Official: UN Expected to Vote on Resolution to Condemn Russia

NEW YORK (AP) - A senior U.S. official says the U.N. Security Council is expected to vote Friday on a resolution condemning Russia in the strongest … [Read more...]

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