HYANNIS - The UN recently released a report from their Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that has officials stating the urgency of taking more … [Read more...]
UN Says Ozone Layer Slowly Healing, Hole to Mend by 2066
DENVER (AP) - A United Nations scientific report says Earth's protective ozone layer is slowly but noticeably healing. Scientists say the hole over … [Read more...]
World Hurtling to Climate Danger Zone, Brakes Half-Pulled
BERLIN (AP) - A new report from the UN’s top body of climate scientists is warning that temperatures will go beyond a key danger point unless … [Read more...]
Most of the World Lines Up Against Moscow, Attacks Intensify
KYIV, UKRAINE (AP) - Most of the world has lined up against Moscow in the United Nations to demand it withdraw from Ukraine, as Russian forces renew … [Read more...]
U.S. Official: UN Expected to Vote on Resolution to Condemn Russia
NEW YORK (AP) - A senior U.S. official says the U.N. Security Council is expected to vote Friday on a resolution condemning Russia in the strongest … [Read more...]
From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter
Cape Cod Teen Sentenced To Probation For Alleged Racial Incident
License Plate Grants Funds Regional Economic Development
Barnstable Commissioners And Delegates Want To Keep Pocasset Center Open
A Luxury House is Close to Tumbling into Cape Cod Bay. Will Anyone Stop It?
LISTEN: Managing Bird Flu in Backyards with New England Wildlife Centers’ Zak Mertz
Steamship Authority Releases Early Martha’s Vineyard Bookings
RFK Jr. Appears on Track to Become US Health Secretary as he Wins Key Republican Senator’s Support
Court Restores Protections for Endangered Whale Species to Prevent Entanglement in Fishing Gear
LISTEN: Cape Leaders Talk with Healey Administration on Future Under Trump, County Budgets
Cape Cod Healthcare CEO Elected Chair of Mass Association
Cyr Points Out Ramifications Of Trump’s Executive Actions
Bird Flu Response Continues In Plymouth
Assembly Of Delegates Discussing Proposal To Close Cape Mental Health Center