Lewis Bay Reopened For Shellfishing

YARMOUTH – The town of Yarmouth says Lewis Bay has been reopened for shellfishing. The activity has been restricted for the last month because the … [Read more...]

Hatches Harbor Shellfish Area Closed Pending Water Tests

PROVINCETOWN - Hatches Harbor Shellfish Area will remain closed pending clean water test results due to the persistence of seasonally heightened … [Read more...]

Sandwich Shellfish Beds Open New Year’s Day

SANDWICH - Shellfish beds in Sandwich opened at sunrise on January 1. The town is advising residents that the harvesting of oysters is forbidden … [Read more...]

Wampanoag Tribe Receives Grant Supporting Aquaculture

MASHPEE – The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe received a $1.1 million federal grant to support its shellfish farm. The grant was funded by the American … [Read more...]

$80,000 Provided to Support Cape and Islands Shellfishing Industry

FALMOUTH - Eight Cape Cod and Islands towns have benefited from $79,950 in COVID-19 relief grants to assist with municipal shellfish propagation … [Read more...]

Seafood Popularity Surge Highlights Need for Sustainable Practices

HYANNIS – Reports from the Environmental Defense Fund show a high demand for seafood across the United States, but most of it comes from … [Read more...]

Mashpee Introduces New Shellfish Regulations

  MASHPEE – New shellfish regulations were approved by the Mashpee Select Board that went into effect last week. As of July 15, three … [Read more...]

Wellfleet OysterFest Postponed Amid Pandemic

WELLFLEET - Planners for the annual Wellfleet OysterFest have announced that this year's event has been postponed due to the coronavirus … [Read more...]

Direct Sales to Consumer Help Keep Shellfishermen Afloat

WELLFLEET - During the COVID-19 pandemic, shellfishermen were forced to shift the ways they get their catch to customers, but some changes might be … [Read more...]

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