Transitional Housing Provider Receives $20,000 Donation

BARNSTABLE – Local provider of transitional housing Champ Homes has received a $20,000 donation from the Lyndon Paul Lorusso Charitable Foundation. 

The money is earmarked for the services Champ Homes provides for youth and young adults, said Executive Director Adam Burnett. 

“The time, energy and resources that we use to work with this population is only partially subsidized by the grant through Barnstable County, so we have to raise considerable monies outside of that and this $20,000 will go directly towards that,” said Burnett.  

He added that more and more community members—including working professionals—have sought out their services recently as affordable housing stock continues to dwindle and temperatures drop.

“Homeowners are looking to capitalize on the appreciated value of their property. If they have a renter that has been renting their home for some time, oftentimes they are unceremoniously given 30 to 60 days to move out,” said Burnett.

“And unfortunately there’s no housing inventory for them to move into, so people are in kind of a bind right now. Working professionals who have a decent paying job and so forth, we’re getting a lot more calls from folks like that right now.”

He adds that Champ Homes also sees a seasonal uptick in referral calls, as cold weather sets in and cars, unheated basements or garage living spaces become less habitable. 

More on Champ Homes and their services can be found on their website.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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