Bucket truck rolls on side with boom on wires in Osterville

OSTERVILLE - A boom truck reportedly rolled on its side with the boom resting against wires. The incident happened about 11:30 AM Tuesday at Crosby's … [Read more...]

Man convicted of 2017 sexual assault after bench trial

OSTERVILLE - Cape & Islands District Attorney Robert J. Galibois today announced that Anthony Collins, 38 years old, of Waltham, MA, was found guilty … [Read more...]

Officials say no danger to public after gunshot incident in Osterville

OSTERVILLE - Officials say there is no danger to the public after an incident involving a gunshot in Osterville around 5:45 PM. A MedFlight helicopter … [Read more...]

Osterville crash sends two people to the hospital

OSTERVILLE - A two-vehicle crash was reported in Osterville about 7 AM Wednesday. Firefighters had to use the Jaws of Life to free the victims of the … [Read more...]

Light snowfall leading to several crashes

CAPE COD - Light snowfall Friday afternoon was leading to several fender benders across parts of the Cape. The pickup above went off Route 6 eastbound … [Read more...]

Barnstable Announces Demolition Of Osterville Recreation Building

OSTERVILLE – The Barnstable Department of Public Works Structures & Grounds Division is alerting the public that the Osterville Recreation … [Read more...]

Holiday Events on the Cape!

Check out the upcoming Holiday events on the Cape this year: 12/1 - 12/3, times vary, Holiday on the Cape, Barnstable Performing Arts Center - The … [Read more...]

Small fire reported in Osterville basement

OSTERVILLE - From C-O-MM Fire: Sunday at approximately 2:37 PM, a 911 call was received by the Centerville-Osterville-Marstons Mills Fire Department … [Read more...]

Gas station suppression system activates in Osterville

OSTERVILLE - The fire suppression system at an Osterville gas station activated shortly before noon Saturday. Firefighters responding to a report of … [Read more...]

Vehicle rolls on roof in Osterville

OSTERVILLE - Three people were evaluated after a vehicle rolled on its roof in Osterville. The crash happened about 5:15 PM on Wioanno Avenue between … [Read more...]

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