Barnstable Invites Public To Discuss Sewer Expansion

BARNSTABLE – Barnstable is inviting the public to attend an informational meeting to discuss sewer design plans for the Route 28 West Sewer Expansion Project to facilitate sewer expansion within the Three Bays and Popponesset Bay Watersheds.

The town plans to install new sewers on Route 28 from Phinney’s Lane to Route 149, on Osterville-West Barnstable Road from Flint Street to Bumps River Road and from there to the Cape Cod Collaborative School, and on Old East Osterville Road, Oldham Road, and Marquand Drive.

The meeting will be held in person on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 6 pm at the Barnstable Adult Community Center at 825 Falmouth Road, where attendees will be shown a presentation on the new sewer lines followed by a Q&A, with a recording of the meeting being shared online on Barnstable Government Access Video and

About Matthew Tomlinson

Matt Tomlinson is a Cape Cod native studying to be a documentarian. He has been with the NewsCenter since 2021.
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