WOODS HOLE – The Woods Hole Film Festival is back in-person and online this year, and female directors and New Englanders are highly prevalent among the entries.
Over half of the 52 feature-length and 104 short films in the festival were directed by women.
Many of the films are also set in New England, by New Englanders, or feature them.
Topics of the films include science, music, and politics.
“Our programming is something that we try and consider the different audiences that will be attending the festival, so we have films that are good for the whole family, we have films that will be of interest to anybody,” said Executive Director Judy Laster.
Four panel discussions are taking place throughout the festival, one of which is titled “From Woods Hole to the Red Carpet: The Path to the Oscars”.
The panel will feature five individuals whose films were formerly in the festival before receiving Oscars or Oscar nominations.
The festival kicked off on Saturday, and will continue until next Saturday, August 7.