Malfunctioning HVAC unit caused smoke in Falmouth condo Tuesday

Falmouth Fire-Rescue/CWN

FALMOUTH – From Falmouth Fire-Rescue: On Tuesday around 2:20 PM, a building maintenance person found a smoke condition in a condominium unit at the Casino Wharf condos at 286 Grand Avenue in Falmouth Heights. The building is a multiple-story building with a restaurant and several condominium units. Fire Crews located a slight haze and a burning electrical odor in a unit. The rooftop HVAC units were investigated, and one was found to have malfunctioned, causing a smoke condition. There was no structural damage to the building, and all apparatus was clear of the scene in about one hour. Thank you to the Falmouth Police Department for providing traffic control in the area and allowing our fire crews to operate safely.
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