‘Blue Economy’ Ideas the Focus of Startup Weekend in Woods Hole

startup weekend-blueWOODS HOLE – Entrepreneurs and creative individuals will be heading to Woods Hole for Startup Weekend-Blue this weekend.

The 54-hour event will allow attendees to share “blue economy” ideas, form teams and launch startups.

The “blue economy” is a concept adopted by the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce and other local economic development groups that works toward a sustainable, year-round economy for the Cape with marine sciences and technology.

“We think that if we get a bunch of smart people together thinking about the same thing we can actually get some interesting businesses created out of that,” said Peter Karlson, an organizing team leader for the event. “So that is the basis of it and that is what we are hoping for.”

Startup Weekend-Blue will be held on the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Quissett Campus at Clark Laboratory from Friday through Sunday.

Startup Weekend is a global organization that supports entrepreneurship through events worldwide. The initiative has built a network of more than 100,000 alumni, thousands of volunteer organizers and more than 100 trained facilitators in more than 400 cities in more than 100 countries.

“The idea is that a concept or an idea isn’t worth a lot until you actually validate that with a bunch of potential customers,” Karlson said. “Really what the weekend is about is exploring the business model.”

Around 100 participants are expected over Startup Weekend-Blue. There are also limited tickets available to the public to watch the presentations on Sunday afternoon beginning at 3 p.m.

By BRIAN MERCHANT, CapeCod.com NewsCenter

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