Ice Flow Damages Docks in Bass River

GettyImages_124689770SOUTH YARMOUTH – Docks in the Bass River are the latest victims of the winter of 2015.

Yarmouth town officials had to secure a number of docks in the area of Packet Landing earlier this week after large ice chunks flowed north up the river and damaged a number of docks and pilings.

“A significant ice flow came north in Bass River, some of the ice chunks the size of a Volkswagon Beetle,” said Yarmouth Natural Resources Director Karl Von Hone. “That significant amount of pressure from the ice flow managed to snap four of the pilings at the Packet Landing marina, in turn damaging several floats down there.”

Damage from the ice is still being assessed, and it is unclear what the repair cost will be, Van Hone said.

Von Hone said the docks should be repaired in time for the summer season.
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