Photograph of North Atlantic Right Whale “Musketeer”. Photo credit: New England Aquarium,taken under NOAA research permit #25739
NANTUCKET – Nantucket town officials are worried that seasonal speed restrictions meant to protect North Atlantic right whale from vessel strikes could significantly impact freight and fast-travel ferry services for islanders.
Select Board Chair Brooke Moore says during the off-season, only 6-hour roundtrips would be available, making school sports expensive overnight trips and freight shipping potentially even more difficult.
“We don’t have enough freight services as it is—or we barely have enough. One third less would be significantly impactful.”
“And at our solid waste processing facility, we are required to transport most of our waste off-island. not being able to do that would be environmentally devastating and also put us out of compliance,” she said.
Town officials said they are asking representatives to spearhead an exemption for Nantucket Sound when it comes to the regulations being considered by NOAA, similar to exemptions in place for Long Island.
The town’s official webpage on the measure can be found here.