Shark Detection Buoys Removed for Winter

The detection buoys being removed from the water. Courtesy of Atlantic White Shark Conservancy.

CHATHAM – The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC) has removed all real-time shark detection buoys for the season as white sharks migrate south and to protect equipment from winter storms.

While no detections will be transmitted via the Sharktivity app, AWSC advises continued shark-smart precautions.

“As we conclude another season of successfully researching and tagging white sharks in collaboration with the MA DMF, we’re thankful for another season of safe coexistence between sharks and people on and around Cape Cod,” said Cynthia Wigren, Chief Executive Officer of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy.

“However, even as the temperatures drop, there’s never a guarantee our waters are shark-free, and anyone continuing to use our waters in colder weather should keep taking shark-smart precautions.”

This year, AWSC tagged sharks in partnership with Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and engaged over 28,000 people through educational programs, shark center visits, and charter boat trips.

The Conservancy’s Chatham Shark Center will remain active through the winter, with several events planned such as a Holiday Story Time beginning November 30. 

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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