SANDWICH – The COVID-19 Command Team in Sandwich has released their first Delta Variant PSA with information relevant to the spread of the virus in the area.
Barnstable County’s vaccination rates remain lower than those of Dukes County and Nantucket County.
“Right now in Barnstable County, the fully vaccinated are 69%, those with only one dose are 76% of the population,” noted director of Health David Mason during the PSA.
Vaccinations are highly encouraged right now for everyone eligible, and it’s important to remember to get the second dose of vaccines that require two doses.
A 3% infection rate will prompt a mask advisory, but currently the county stands at a 2.31% infection rate.
Five deaths occurred in 72 hours earlier this week throughout the county.
In addition to the outbreak in Provincetown, a few other clusters throughout the region are also being monitored.
Two nursing homes in Yarmouth, and the Royal Megansett Nursing Home in Falmouth are currently experiencing an increase in COVID-19 infections.