Cell phone use leads to pursuit, ends in arrest

YARMOUTH – From Yarmouth Police: A Yarmouth Police Officer was enforcing cell phone use while driving Monday afternoon when he noticed a driver holding her phone in front of her face and talking. He attempted to pull the car over, but as it pulled into the breakdown lane, it continued to drive away, eventually accelerating back into traffic. The officer began to pursue the car with lights and siren, but it continued to speed away, crossing over the center lines at times. Speeds reached 65 miles per hour at one point on a narrow residential roadway with tight corners. For the safety of the public and the driver being pursued, the officer terminated the pursuit.

A short time later, the officer was alerted by other drivers that the car he was pursuing had just passed them. As he continued to travel in the direction he was alerted to, he came upon the car in a West Yarmouth Road driveway. The woman was still in the car and the brake lights were on. As he gave commands to the driver, she shifted the car into reverse and began to back up. After more commands, the driver put her hands above her head and was then placed under arrest. Drug paraphernalia, a crack pipe, unauthorized prescription medication and a small quantity of crack cocaine were found in the car.

Melissa Bordun, 48, of Barnstable was arrested and charged with Using an Electronic Device While Operating a Motor Vehicle, Operating a Motor Vehicle with a Suspended License, Failing to Stop for Police, Reckless Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Marked Lanes Violation, Speeding at a Rate of Speed Exceeding the Posted Limit, Possession of Class B Drug-Subsequent Offense, and two counts of Possession of a Class E Drug. She was arraigned on Monday in Barnstable District Court.

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Hyannis, MA 02601
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