Centerville Sewer Expansion To Commence In December  

CENTERVILLE – The Town of Barnstable has announced that the North Phase of the Centerville Village Sewer Expansion Project will begin construction in December 2024.

The project represents the third major expansion under the Town’s 30-year Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan and will be performed under contract by C.C. Construction, Inc., connecting over 200 properties to the municipal sewer.

The construction route will run from Main Street, Centerville, through Phinney’s Lane to Route 28, where it will briefly turn west before turning north up Old Stage Road and settling on a course along Shootflying Hill Road to the Service Road.

The project will also include the installation of three submersible pump stations and renovations to the roadways along Mothers Park.

Property owners along the project route will be kept informed as construction progresses into 2025.

About Matthew Tomlinson

Matt Tomlinson is a Cape Cod native studying to be a documentarian. He has been with the NewsCenter since 2021.
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