Three Towns on the Cape Hold Town Meetings Today

CHATHAM – Residents in Falmouth, Chatham and Yarmouth will gather for their annual Town Meetings today.

In Chatham, one of the biggest articles on the warrant is funding for the design and construction of a senior center at either 1610 Main Street or on Stepping Stones Road.

Residents will also decide on 39 articles including appropriating more than $9 million for the town’s share of the Regional School operating budget, $470,000 for renovations to make the town’s transfer station safe for all users and approval of the town’s $41 million Fiscal Year 2021 budget.

Town Meeting begins at 6 p.m. and will be held outdoors at Veterans Field.

In Falmouth, voters will decide on seven articles on the warrant, including authorizing more than $971,000 to fund the salaries for eight new firefighters, $300,000 for wage settlements for town employees and raises and appropriating money to defray the town’s expenses for Fiscal Year 2021.

The town’s total operating budget is more than $139 million.

Town Meeting will be held on the turf field at Falmouth high School and will begin at 6 p.m.

In Yarmouth, there are 23 articles on the warrant that residents will decide upon.

They include over $5 million for the design, permitting and engineering of the town’s proposed wastewater collection system, a ban on the sale of single-use plastic water bottles and authorizing the town to look at the re-purposing the Links Course to a solar farm.

Annual Town Meeting begins at 6 p.m. at Mattacheese Middle School.

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