Alum Treatment To Begin In Mystic Lake

MARSTONS MILLS – Beginning today, December 2, 2024, SOLitude Lake Management will commence its contract with the Town of Barnstable by mobilizing equipment to conduct an alum treatment in Mystic Lake, Marstons Mills.

The treatment, meant to improve water quality by addressing phosphorous levels and limiting algae growth, entails using aluminum sulfate buffered with sodium aluminate, or “alum” for short.

Access at the Race Lane Way to Water will be limited during mobilization and through the treatment period, that will last from Tuesday, December 3, through Thursday, December 5 as weather permits.

According to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Alum treatments are safe and appropriate for addressing phosphorous levels in appropriate applications.

About Matthew Tomlinson

Matt Tomlinson is a Cape Cod native studying to be a documentarian. He has been with the NewsCenter since 2021.
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