Falmouth Hospital Unveils New ICU

Courtesy of Cape Cod Healthcare

FALMOUTH – Falmouth Hospital has a new Intensive Care Unit after $10 million dollars in renovations and upgrades to the facility.

The 11,000-square foot space features 10 patient rooms with natural light, new nurse workstations, direct view of patient rooms from all clinical stations and a spacious family waiting room, says hospital officials.

The $10 million unit was funded in part with support from the Salerno Foundation and other philanthropic donors, said Cape Cod Healthcare in a statement. 

“Our new ICU at Falmouth Hospital is another example of upholding our commitment to our community by ensuring people who are critically ill on the Upper Cape are able to receive vital care right where they live,” said Michael Lauf, President and CEO of Cape Cod Healthcare in the statement.

He added that the new ICU is part of ongoing plans to upgrade and modernize all of Falmouth Hospital’s major facilities.

“As with the Yawkey Emergency Center at Falmouth Hospital several years ago and other hospital improvements, the ICU is an example of what state-of-the-art can look like in a community setting and is a game changer for us. It not only allows us to take care of critically ill patients, but also allows us to expand our ORs and offer increased access to surgical care, close to home. We are grateful for the generous support of the Salerno family and others who helped make this a reality. Through this facility, you can see the possibilities of not only today, but also the future.”

The next phase of work will include redesigning the hospital’s operating room suite to facilitate expansions and additions to the unit.

The upgrade will add two additional operating rooms and new peri-and post-operative areas. 

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the CapeCod.com News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.

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