Concept drawing of the Sagamore Bridge replacement from MassDOT
BOURNE – There could be big changes to driving on and off Cape Cod in the next decade.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation held a virtual meeting on Thursday to update the public about the effort to replace the Bourne and Sagamore Bridges.
The leadoff topic was funding. MassDOT says $372 million in grant money has been secured for replacing the Sagamore Bridge, which is happening before the Bourne Bridge. The state has committed $700 million in bonds, while they advocate for another $1 billion from the feds to meet the Sagamore replacement price tag of $2.1 billion.
The new Sagamore Bridge is expected to be completed in 2034. When it opens, drivers will have three lanes going in either direction, significantly wider space than they’re currently afforded.
A design has not been finalized, but MassDOT on Thursday shared a concept drawing of a “network tie bridge” which would look similar to the existing infrastructure for drivers as they approach.
By Jim McCabe, CapeCod.com NewsCenter