HARWICH – Harwich has released the warrant for its Special Town Meeting which will see voters weigh in on land acquisitions, museum repairs, and other issues.
Article 2 involves the town acquiring a parcel of land at 62 Route 28 where the First Baptist Church is located in West Harwich.
The property would only be acquired after finding a developer that will sign on to build 14 units of work force housing within the existing structure.
The church’s cemetery may also remain in the town’s ownership.
The warrant notes a small part of the location could be used for the town’s sewer pump station.
Another article seeks authorization of funds for land interests needed to construct Phase 3 of Harwich’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan and Dry Sewer Line Project along Route 28.
Article 4 looks for $150,000 to hire an owner’s project manager (OPM) for ongoing construction work at the Brooks Academy Museum.
The warrant states the construction project was approved at last year’s town meeting but a companion article to set aside money for the OPM’s services was inadvertently omitted from the final warrant.
The article was under discussion at a recent meeting of the Harwich Board of Selectmen.
“As we’ve seen with other buildings when we don’t take care of them, it’s catastrophic. We get to the point where we have to let them loose or they just fall down,” board clerk Donald Howell said.
“It’s inextricably part of our past to let that go in any way would be a real shame,” Howell said about the building.
Articles 7 and 8 are related to a revised assessment of funds from Cape Cod Regional Technical High School and Monomoy Regional School District due to budget changes.
Other articles will cover collective bargaining agreements for a review of the town’s charter and bylaws, collective bargaining agreements, and funding the currently vacant position of surveyor.
Harwich’s Special Town Meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 18 at 6pm at the Harwich Community Center.
By Brian Engles, CapeCod.com NewsCenter.