Orleans Passes Largest Ever Town Budget, Chatham Wrestles Airport Planning

Orleans Town Hall

ORLEANS – Orleans Town Meeting voters passed their largest-ever town budget Monday night. The $51 million dollar budget includes the $9 million dollar Rock Harbor wharf reconstruction projects and about $13 million for school budgets.

It is an about 7% larger budget than the previous 3 years, which officials attributed to contractual obligations and including three school budgets that were previously kept separate.

Voters also struck down an article that would fund the Affordable Housing Trust Fund with $512,000. 

Meanwhile in Chatham, voters said ‘no’ to a new approach map for the Chatham Airport, as well as charging stations for the property. Articles seeking bonds for waterfront infrastructure projects and upgrades for the transfer station also failed.

The town’s approved budget totaled $40 million dollars, a 5% increase over last year.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the CapeCod.com News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.

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