VIDEO: Fernandes Running for State Senator | State Police Detective Dies

Rep. Fernandes Running for State Senator

Barnstable/Dukes/Nantucket State Representative Dylan Fernandes has announced that he is running for the Plymouth and Barnstable State Senate seat. In a statement, he says he brings 6 years of legislative experience to the table, including working on issues including environment, affordable housing, and public health.

He says he will also address the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station decommissioning process, saying that he believes Holtec International has been negligent in both terms of environmental impacts and public health.
The seat is currently occupied by Susan Moran from Falmouth. She will be leaving the position to run for Superior Court Clerk.

State Police Detective Dies

An on-duty state police detective with the Cape and Islands District died suddenly over the weekend, announced state authorities. Sergeant Gregory Furtado was 41.
He was a member of the 79th Recruit Training Troop, graduating from the State Police Academy in 2006.

About Grady Culhane

Grady Culhane is a Cape Cod native from Eastham. He studied media communications at Cape Cod Community College and joined the News Center in 2019. Host of Sunday Journal.
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