Yarmouth Police join “No alcohol until 21 pledge week”

From Yarmouth Police: In conjunction with Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School Senior Graduation Week, join friends and neighbors in taking the Cape Cod Parents Pledge

Alcohol is the most widely used substance of abuse among America’s youth. Alcohol kills more teenagers worldwide than all other drugs combined. Underage drinking is a major cause of serious injuries as well as physical & sexual assaults. Alcohol also affects crucial parts of the brain when the brain is developing. This can result in irreversible brain changes that can impact decision-making, personality, memory, and learning. (NIH.gov)

In Barnstable County, alcohol is the leading cause of death among all substances. (bchumanservices.net)
• Kids who start drinking alcohol in their mid-teens are 40% more likely to develop an addiction.
• Only 7% of those who begin drinking at age 21 will develop an addiction to alcohol.
• 86% of underage drinkers consume alcohol in their house or a friend’s house.

Research has also shown that parents who spend more time with their kids, talk to them about their lives, know who their friends are and pledge not to allow their kids to drink alcohol, have a far lower chance of developing alcohol dependency (The Icelandic Model).

In Massachusetts it is against the Social Host Law to supply, give or provide alcohol to a person under 21 years of age who is a guest or to allow them to drink alcohol in your home or on other property that you control (MGL c.138 s.34). People who host underage drinking parties can be charged criminally and or sued civilly. Civil judgments can be in excess of $2 million.

Join us and pledge the following:
• I will actively supervise all activities/parties in my home or on my property.
• I will not allow the possession or use of alcohol or other drugs by youth in my home or property.
• I will not permit anyone who appears to be under the influence to drive and if they are underage, I will contact their parents.
• I will set expectations for my children by knowing where they are going, who they are with, what their plans are and when they will come home.
• I will communicate with other parents and welcome calls from them if their children have been invited to my home.
This is not a legally binding contract, but an agreement to help make our community a safer place.

This pledge was developed by the Cape Cod Alcohol Coalition (CCAC) and its distribution is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)

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Hyannis, MA 02601
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