Karen Allen Is Ready To Re-Marry Indiana Jones

Karen Allen in A Year By The Sea

Karen Allen in A Year By The Sea


“Indiana Jones” producer Frank Marshall has divulged that Harrison Ford will return to the iconic role as the adventurous archeologist, and Karen Allen, whose latest film was shot on Cape Cod, said she’s ready to return to her role as Mrs. Jones.

“I’m very much hoping that Marion Ravenwood is a part of it,” Allen said. “I would love to do it.”

Allen, who stars in the just-released, made-on-the-Cape drama “A Year By The Sea,” played Harrison Ford’s love interest in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” the first flick in the franchise. Marion Ravenwood and Indy tied the knot in 2008’s “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” But Allen said she hasn’t heard anything about the reboot.

“This one’s as secretive as it has always been, but I’m very excited that they’re going to do it,” she said.

Marshall did let a few secrets slip about the fifth installment of the franchise at the recent CinemaCon in Las Vegas.

He said the new flick will not be a prequel but a continuation of the story from where it left off in “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” Disney announced the new film last month, setting its release for July 19, 2019.

Here’s a look at Karen Allen through the years:

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