The Surprising Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful or grateful. This week is the perfect time to reflect on the things we are most thankful for. It might not be something you give much thought to on a daily basis, or maybe it’s something you hold very close to your heart.

What am I thankful for? We probably all could agree on things like family, good health, freedom, personal safety, shelter, reliable transportation, food to nourish our bodies – but what about you? What are you thankful for?

I’m a big fan of studies and surveys, and finding out what the latest research tells us. Turns out he latest tells us there are some major benefits – both mental and physical – to practicing gratitude. People who practice gratitude have been found to have BETTER relationships, sleep BETTER and live LONGER. Now do I have your attention? By spending just a few moments a day being thankful can implement some very serious positive effects on your life. In this season of holiday stressors, showing gratitude might just actually be what the doctor ordered. Check out all the benefits of gratitude here.

Happy Thanksgiving! As we forge ahead in a holiday season of caring, sharing, stress and feelings of being overwhelmed, I challenge you to jot down each day just one thing you are thankful for. It might just save your life. Email me your thoughts or share what you are most grateful for at [email protected]. I am grateful to CCB-Media for allowing me live my dream every day.
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