Will You Help Tater Tot Find a Home on Cape Cod?

Meet Tater Tot! While he can be snuggly with his people when he wants to be, he will let you know when he’s had enough or needs personal space. He’d do best in a quiet household as the only pet, and any kids in the home should be old enough to read his body language and give him space when he needs it. While he may not be a snuggle bug a whole lot of the time, he loves to play and interact with his humans with wand toys!

Interested in adopting a cat? Stop by Tuesday-Sunday from 1-4 during our open hours!

Looking for a Pet?

The MSPCA Cape Cod has dogs and cats that need good homes! Please visit their location in Centerville! Each week, CapeCod.com, in conjunction with 99.9 the Q, picks an animal and tries to help find a home for that animal. See below for all the animals that we’ve helped and that are available still!


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Hyannis, MA 02601
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