WELLFLEET – A $3 million grant was awarded to the Town of Wellfleet by the state for the $4.6 million dollar project recently approved at their town meeting.
The project is for the decentralized wastewater treatment facility that will provide the required infrastructure to support a critical affordable housing project.
“This grant award represents the hard work of the Wellfleet Community in supporting efforts to address our Housing and Wastewater Challenges. We extend our profound appreciation to the Healey-Driscoll Administration and the Community One Stop for Growth Program (MassWorks) for this opportunity to improve our community,” said Wellfleet Town Administrator Richard Waldo.
“Funding for this project is crucial for the future of Wellfleet and the year-round community addressing the affordable housing issues we have been faced with,” Waldo said.
The wastewater facility construction will utilize the funds to serve a development on Lawrence Road, while the grant will also pay for three municipal buildings, and a future build-out to serve neighboring properties.
This project includes the efforts associated with completing the construction and funding the engineering construction oversight of the first phase of the project, which includes the collection system from the police, fire and elementary school sites that will convey sewage into the collection and treatment system of the affordable housing development.
The sewage treatment design is currently underway, and the Town of Wellfleet expects to bid the project out early next year.