HYANNIS – Several state senators and representatives recently called for a public hearing on the proposed two month-long extension on the state’s sales tax holiday.
Included among the 33 lawmakers in favor of the hearing is Fifth Barnstable State Representative Steve Xiarhos, a West Barnstable Republican.
Although a two-day sales tax holiday is already slated for August 14-15, many representatives on Beacon Hill feel as if an extended holiday would yield better results for the public in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
They hope to increase sales for local businesses during that time and provide some relief for those already struggling financially.
Pandemic-related financial aid from the federal government and tax revenues have put the state in a projected surplus, which Governor Charlie Baker believes could even out the budget.
$900 million in lost tax revenue is the expected result of a two-month sales tax holiday, which would theoretically be offset by the predicted FY21 $1.5 billion and FY22 $4 billion surpluses.