DENNIS – Dennis is moving forward with a childcare program for children of town residents from birth to the age of five.
Voters approved the funding and integration of a childcare subsidy program providing state licensed childcare earlier this year.
The families of children born by August 31, 2023 or who are not five years or older as of that date will be eligible for the subsidy in the form of a direct payment to the provider for one child per household up to a maximum of $2,400 so long as they meet the income threshold of 150% Average Annual Income.
An application form including questions determining eligibility will be available on the Town’s website on September 1, 2023.
Applications and documents can be sent to Dennis Town Hall at 685 Route 134 in South Dennis marked “Attention: Childcare Voucher Program” or scanned and emailed to [email protected] with the subject line “CSP”.
The deadline for submitting an application for the program period of September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 is September 28, 2023.
The Childcare Subsidy Program Administrator reserves the right to request additional documents and/or information on a case-by-case basis.
To learn more, click here.
By, Matthew Tomlinson. NewsCenter