Grant Application Period Opens For Early Education And Childcare Programs

BOSTON – The Department of Early Education and Care has opened an application window for $4 million in funds for early education and childcare programs through the Early Education and Out-of-School Time capital funding program.

Nonprofits offering childcare and out-of-school programs can apply for $500,00 to $1,000,000 to acquire, renovate, or expand their classrooms and facilities to increase state-subsidized spaces for children.

Local leaders including Plymouth/Barnstable State Senator Susan Moran have emphasized the hurdles working families face in finding affordable childcare, an obstacle they say hampers efforts toward creating a sustainable year-round economy in the region.

“Our goal is to increase affordability and expand access to high-quality programming for all families in the Commonwealth,” said Early Education and Care Commissioner Amy Kershaw.

“A critical tool in this work is providing capital opportunities for programs to create updated, child-focused spaces for children to learn and play and for their educators to work.”

At least half of the children in each applicant program must be enrolled to receive public subsidies to pursue funding, with an application deadline of February 1, 2024.

EEOST grants are dually financed through state capital allotments and matching private investments, building on $14.3 in funding for smaller-scale early education and childcare programs announced by state officials in November.

Click here to sign up for an information session.

About Matthew Tomlinson

Matt Tomlinson is a Cape Cod native studying to be a documentarian. He has been with the NewsCenter since 2021.
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